Raising money demands inhumane effort from a founder. It’s an intense and uncertain process that causes high levels of stress, potentially leading to burnout. We’ve been out in the trenches ourselves and know how hard it is. Having someone who has been in your shoes to support and help you is a game-changer.

However, we could fill you up with all the fundraising techniques, but if you lack energy, vision, resilience and passion that keeps you fuelled during this journey, it wouldn’t mean a thing.

Therefore, the concept of 5F is focused on resourcing you with much more than knowledge and investor networks. We want you to tap into your inner strength and unlimited well of creativity.


As an early-stage founder, you are probably thrown into the fundraising game with no clear instructions, and possibly not even knowing the other players.

During the 5F program we will match you with a fundraising partner, coaches and investors and give you the techniques and know-how you need in order to master this game.

You will get support with:

* creating a pitch that matches investors expectations

* pulling together assets you need for the process

* building the investor pipeline and funnel

* intros to the right investors


During the fundraising process founders’ resilience and wellbeing are constantly under attack. Based on the science of neuroaesthetics*, 5F provides experiences that provoke positive neurochemicals (serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine, endorphins).

We use a variety of methods and tools to fuel your creativity and sense of self. The 3 pillars of 5F experience:

SPACES: environments that enhance your wellbeing and invoke inspiration through their character, uniqueness and beauty

SENSES: blending visual, tactile, auditory, culinary and aromatic stimulation in the form of tea ceremonies, sound baths, edible creations and so on.

SELF: building trust so you can drop all of your “roles”, whether a founder, CEO or investor, making everybody to join on the equal ground

* Neuroaesthetics is an emerging field of study that explores the impact of aesthetic and sensory experiences on the human brain and behavior.