

Are you fundraising or PLANNING to RAISE?

5F is a high-quality network connecting founders + investors

Fundraising is f*cking hard.

According to the Sifted survey 2024, 85% startup founders said they had experienced high stress in the past year, while fundraising was named as the most common challenge.

Our mission is that every startup founder will be able to stay centered and resilient throughout the fundraising process. With 5F, we fuel both, raising money and founder wellbeing.

5F experiences are built around the concept of neuroaesthetics.

IN 5F NETWORK you will:

  • be shortlisted to meet investors at invite-only 5F MORNING SESSIONS

  • be shortlisted to work together with an experienced FUNDRAISING PARTNER aka “silent non-equity co-founder” who will provide practical hands-on support during the fundraising process

  • be invited to 5F EXPERIENCES & WORKSHOPS that fuel your energy and know-how to prepare you for the fundraising process

Promoting diversity in business generates true prosperity.

Our mission is to direct funds towards DIVERSE AND FUTURE-FIT founders and THEIR startups.

5F supports the Manifesto of Allyship, that was presented at Latitude59 in Estonia on May 23, 2024 by 5F co-creator Triin Kask. The creation of this manifesto has been a realisation of true allyship involving many people from the Estonian and the UK startup ecosystems. 


Carmen Kivisild, Co-Founder & CEO @Elnora AI

During fundraising I started to feel that for investors I’m just a walking pitch deck. The 5F Morning Session reminded me that investors are also human, approachable and sincere.

This special experience gave me much new-found hope.

Triin Uustalu, Co-Founder & CEO @Glafos

5F session brings founders and investors together on equal grounds that allows any hierarchies to dissolve. After the session I talked with my co-founder and she said that I’ve transformed, like a burden would have been lifted from my shoulders.

Vicky Brock, Co-founder & CEO @Vistalworks

I felt re-energised, calmer, grounded, fuelled.

It’s so important to catch a breath. I didn’t know how much I needed this session in my life and I’m much more comfortable talking with the VC who hosted the session. The conversation was deep, profound and super open.


Triin Kask & Merilyn Kesküla, both seasoned founders themselves, joined forces fuelled by mutual passion to transform early-stage fundraising into an inspiriring experience for female founders, and break down hierarchies between founders and investors in the global startup ecosystem.